Frequently asked questions

If you don’t find an answer to your question on this page, contact us.

I want to delete my account

After logging in on Macommune, you can click your name in order to display a menu, where you can select "My account". On the following page you can delete your account by clicking the "Delete" button next to "Account".

I want to modify my e-mail address

After logging in on Macommune, you can click your name in order to display a menu, where you can select "My account". On the following page you can modify your e-mail address by clicking on "Edit" next to your current e-mail address.

I have lost my TAN Card or I have moved house. What should I do?

I should contact the Population bureau at my commune. They will provide me with a new TAN Card.

As soon as I receive a new TAN Card, after losing my card or moving house, I have to activate it.


What is is a citizens’ portal providing you with a range of services.

The system, accessible in many municipalities, was set up in cooperation with municipality officials and enables you to deal with administrative procedures in a perfectly secure way. Just send your pre-completed forms directly to the municipality offices.


Is my municipality a member of

Currently, the inhabitants of 67 municipalities can benefit from services. New municipalities are joining all the time.

Check the map to see if your municipality is a member.

Luxembourg city has its own website.


How can I take advantage of the website if my municipality is not a member of

The “My municipality” section contains information on most municipalities and towns in Luxembourg. It is available to any person with Internet access.

How can I take advantage of the website if my commune is not a member?

The 'Ma Commune at a glance' section contains information on most communes and towns in Luxembourg. It is accessible by anyone with Internet access.

What browsers, systems and types of computers is compatible with? is accessible with all recent browsers including, but not limited to:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8 onwards
  • Firefox, version 10 onwards
  • Safari, version 5 onwards

To use an electronic signature, the latest version of Java must be installed.

You can access services from your smartphone (iPhone, Android, etc.) and take advantage of the applications which were specially developed for iOS and Android platforms.


I have lost the activation code for my account. What can I do?

Contact the Population bureau at your municipality. They will provide you with a new TAN Card.

I have lost my TAN Card. What can I do?

Contact the Population bureau at your municipality. They will provide you with a new TAN Card.


How do I select a secure password?

Information concerning the choice and correct use of passwords is available on the information security portal in French and in German.


What is a TAN Card?

A TAN Card is a card which contains your secret code. It allows you to authenticate your identity and guarantees the confidentiality of your online communication with The municipality will provide a personalised TAN Card and send it by post to your home address.
